Liaisons with the Vice President for Government Affairs and Public Policy
Influence and raise funds to influence the nomination or election of individuals to national office in order to promote the interests and needs of the speech-language pathology and audiology professions and of persons with disabilities; encourage speech-language pathologists and audiologists to understand the institution and procedures of government and the public issues acted upon by governmental officials which affect the professions and those served; promote the interests of the professions and those served by facilitating the participation of speech-language pathologists and audiologists in the political process; do all of the above in order to promote public policies that result in accessible and appropriate services in the areas of education and health care, in the training of qualified personnel to deliver these services, and in research that leads to more effective and quality services and benefits to persons with communication disorders.
4 years for board members, serving one year each as Chair and Past-Chair; 2 years for the Early Career Professional Member Position (less than 5 years as an ASHA member).
Liz Best-Bradford, ex officio (