Overview of the use of .CSV files to Submit Participant Data

Does your organization use a database that is capable of creating files in a specified format? If so, this option might be right for your organization.

Requirements to Submit via .CSV

Providers must be capable of creating files in the format specified in the electronic course offering reporting specifications. Below is a brief overview of the requirements:

  1. Database: Providers must store participant records in an electronic database that includes, for each course offering, each participant's name, address, phone number, email address, ASHA account number and number of ASHA CEUs earned. The files should be created by executing a reporting function within the database.
  2. Load File: Providers submit to ASHA, in an ASHA-specified format, a "load file" that includes, for each course offering, information contained on the Course Offering Report form and each participant's name, ASHA account number and number of ASHA CEUs earned. This file would be an ASCII comma delimited file.
  3. Reference File: Providers also submit a second electronic file, a "reference file," which provides the address, phone number and email address for each participant in the course offering's load file. For each participant in the course offering's load file, there would be a matching record in the reference file. This would be used by ASHA staff to troubleshoot any problems that may arise when the load file is processed (i.e., a participant's name and ASHA account number do not match).

Together, the load file and reference file give ASHA all the information now submitted on the Course Offering Report Form and the ASHA CEU Participant form. These two files are drawn from the Provider's database, which ensures the integrity of the information being submitted.

Benefits of Electronic Submission

This reporting method would allow your organization to submit multiple course offerings reports in one load file and one reference file.

How to Get Started

  1. Review process: Review the electronic course offering reporting specifications.
  2. Create test files: Produce a participant data file and a reference file for two (2) courses you have previously reported to the CE Registry.
  3. Email test files: Email your test files to your organization's ASHA CE Accounts Manager.
  4. Review test files: CE Registry staff will ensure your files are in the correct format and all participant information loaded correctly and completely. (The review process usually takes between 3–5 business days.)
  5. Receive approval or feedback: CE Registry staff will either approve your organization to transmit "live" participant data or provide feedback on what changes are needed for your files to be accurate in terms of formatting and data integrity.

Questions? Contact Lee Biskin at lbiskin@asha.org.

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