Clinical Specialty Certification

Clinical Specialty Certification enables a professional who demonstrates advanced knowledge, skills, and experience in a specified area of practice to be formally identified as a Board Certified Specialist (BCS) in that area of practice. The BCS designator also helps consumers easily identify professionals who have demonstrated advanced knowledge and skills in a certain specialty. Specialty certification is not required to practice in any area within the Audiology or Speech-Language Pathology Scopes of Practice.

Current Specialty Areas of Practice

ASHA formally recognizes independent Specialty Certification Boards who have met the criteria outlined by the Council for Clinical Certification in Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology (CFCC). The CFCC establishes minimum standards for both specialty areas of practice and the certification of specialists through their Committee on Clinical Specialty Certification (CCSC). The CCSC monitors a Specialty Certification Board's adherence to the CFCC's standards for the program and approves applications for new clinical specialty areas.

Each Specialty Certification Board is responsible for specifying the educational, experiential, and clinical experience beyond the CCC-A or CCC-SLP, and how they intend to meet the minimum standards outlined by the CFCC to qualify for official recognition of their specialty certification. Each Specialty Certification Board is also responsible for implementing its specialty certification program, including reviewing individual applications and awarding Board Certified Specialist (BCS) status to qualified applicants. Specialty certification is currently available through:

For specific questions about how to apply for specialty certification, please contact the specialty certification board directly.

How to Apply to Become a BCS

Visit each board's website for application instructions. In addition to holding ASHA’s CCC, applicants must meet experiential requirements, demonstrate clinical expertise, and have completed continuing education in the area of specialization. A standard exam, portfolio review, practical exam, or structured interview must be passed to assess the applicant’s knowledge, skills, and experience in the specialty area. Each Specialty Certification Board outlines certification maintenance requirements that must be fulfilled to renew your credential. Specialty certification status can be revoked, if necessary, in accordance with each board's specified policies and procedures.



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