Establishing a New Clinical Specialty Area

Acceptance of new petitions for ASHA recognition in clinical specialty certification is currently paused while the CFCC creates a survey regarding specialty certification and credentialing. The purpose of the survey is to (1) gather data about whether the clinical specialty certification program is meeting the needs of current and future certificate holders and (2) identify program options for the future. When completed, the survey will be sent to ASHA certificants and other stakeholders, and survey responses will be used to inform the CFCC and the ASHA Board of Directors. 

A petitioning group for a proposed new specialty area may apply to the Council for Clinical Certification in Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology (CFCC) for official recognition from ASHA as a Specialty Certification Board. Through this application process, the petitioning group outlines how it intends to meet the tenets for Clinical Specialty Certification as a Specialty Certification Board. Each petitioning group must adopt and implement specialty certification standards. Once approved, each Specialty Certification Board is fully autonomous and operates independently from ASHA.

If you have questions about any proposed specialty certification board or to request information on petitioning for a new specialty area, applying for grant funding, or to request the Application for Petitioning Groups, you may email When questions and comments that concern a proposed area of specialty certification are received, they are immediately forwarded to the CFCC's Committee on Clinical Specialty Certification (CCSC) and to the chair of that petitioning group/proposed Specialty Certification Board. Questions and comments are always given full attention and consideration by the CCSC; however, due to the independent nature of the Specialty Certification Boards, only the boards can provide specific details about the certification they are developing because the information is proprietary to them.

There is a two-stage application process to establish a new area of practice for specialty certification.

Stage 1

In Stage 1, a petitioning group identifies its intention to formally apply for the creation of a Specialty Certification Board in a proposed specialty area and includes sufficient detail to enable the CCSC to make initial decisions regarding the appropriateness of the request. The petitioning group must clearly define the potential specialty area, the population of consumers, demonstrate that the group is composed of practitioners who provide service in that area, and specify how they meet the tenets for specialty certification.  

If accepted by the CCSC, the petitioning group has exclusive rights to the proposed specialty area for 18 months. No other group can petition to establish specialty certification in that area during that time.

Stage 2

In Stage 2, the petitioning group defines the proposed clinical specialty certification program and demonstrates how the program will comply with the specialty certification standards, which include:

  • ASHA Certification: Individual practitioners must currently hold the appropriate ASHA Certificate of Clinical Competence (CCC).
  • Post-Certification Experience: A minimum of three years (or full-time equivalent) with evidence of work with clinical populations in the area of specialty certification that is sought.
  • Clinical Experience in the Specialty Area: Documented evidence of a minimum of 450 hours of direct clinical contact in the area of specialization.
  • Continuing Education: A minimum of 60 intermediate or advanced continuing education/ professional development hours in the area of specialty certification in the immediate 3 years prior to applying.
  • Assessment of Knowledge, Skills, and Experience: Each applicant must pass the assessment mechanism (e.g., standard examination, portfolio review, practical exam, structured interview) that the specific Specialty Certification Board has established, based upon results of their extensive practice analysis study.
  • Each Specialty Certification Board must also have processes for certification maintenance and renewal, and a process for revocation of specialty certification and appeals.

Prior to receiving Stage 2 acceptance, ASHA members are invited to send in their public comments about the potential new specialty area and petitioning group by completing a survey. The CCSC receives and uses the survey information to make informed decisions about permitting the petitioning group to move forward with the next phases of the process.

Specialty Certification Board Formation

Following Stage 2 acceptance by the CCSC, the petitioning group is permitted to move forward with establishing their Specialty Certification Board, which includes these additional steps that must be completed before the board becomes operational and able to accept applications.

  • Establishing the Specialty Certification Board as a fully independent organization, which includes creating their board manual and becoming legally incorporated.
  • Initiating operations, which includes management/administrative services, creative their webpage, and marketing.
  • Conducting a formalized practice analysis study and peer review.
  • Developing an assessment mechanism.

The later stages of formation can take 24–48 months to complete. During this time, the CCSC has the authority to review a Specialty Certification Board's application. The CCSC may request additional information, and request that revisions are made, if warranted, as the petitioning group moves through the final steps. Once all remaining steps are complete, the CCSC and the CFCC conduct a final review of the Specialty Certification Board's program in its entirety. Once final acceptance is issued, the Specialty Certification Board is officially recognized by ASHA. 

Tenets for Clinical Specialty Certification

Effective November 1, 2019

  1. The specialty area is unique from, and does not critically overlap, the scope of an existing specialty certification area.
  2. The specialty area
    • serves a definable population of clients/patients whose needs require a distinct body of knowledge, skills, and experience; or
    • directly affects the provision of services to clients/patients whose needs require a distinct body of knowledge, skills, and experience.
  3. The specialty area represents a distinct and definable body of knowledge and skills, grounded in translational and evidence-based research and practice, as well as in principles derived from professional practice.
  4. The specialty area is intended for those who provide direct services or engage in service provision to clients/patients.
  5. The specialty area has mechanisms for acquisition of the required knowledge, skills, and experience.

Specialty Areas Accepted and In Process 

The following Specialty Certification Boards have been accepted by the CCSC and are in the process of creating their specialty certification programs.

Stage 1 Acceptance  

Specialty Certification in Clinical Instruction and Supervision (SCCIS)

Application accepted June 7, 2021.

Petitioning group contact:

Petitioning group next steps:

  • The peer comment period ended on August 13, 2021.
  • The petitioning group has exclusive rights to this SCCIS proposed specialty area until March 2023.

Stage 2 Acceptance

Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC)

Stage 2 application accepted June 22, 2018.

Website: American Board of Augmentative and Alternative Communication (ABAAC)

ABAAC Chair contact: Dr. Katya Hill, CCC-SLP at 

The ABAAC is in the final stages of developing their Board Certified Specialist credential. Please visit their webpage or contact the ABAAC directly with questions about their specialty certification program.

Voice and Upper Airway Disorders

Stage 2 application accepted November 6, 2018.

American Board of Voice and Upper Airway Disorders (ABVUAD) contact: Dr. Kristine Tanner at

The ABVUAD is in the final stages of developing their Board Certified Specialist credential. Please visit their webpage or contact the ABVUAD directly with questions about their specialty certification program.

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