A practice analysis and curriculum study for the profession of speech-language pathology was conducted in 2023–2024. The Council on Academic Accreditation (CAA) and the Council for Clinical Certification (CFCC) partnered with ASHA to develop and conduct this study, which was last completed in 2017. The final report, A Curriculum and Practice Analysis for the Profession of Speech-Language Pathology, was made available in 2024.
A Subject Matter Expert (SME) Panel, which included a broad representation of expertise and practice settings, was established to develop the survey. The survey underwent a pilot review, and minor modifications were made to the instrument based on the feedback received. The survey was fielded to a widespread audience representative of the profession of speech-language pathology.
The results of this study will inform the CAA and CFCC on academic and clinical standards for the profession of speech-language pathology, as well as the content and weighting of the national Praxis examination.
Copies of the final report may be ordered online or by contacting:
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