This course is designed to provide a fundamental understanding of the characteristics of stuttering and people who stutter as well as theoretical constructs underlying the concept of dysfluency. This course will also familiarize the student with the anatomy and physiology of the vocal tract and with disorders particular to the vocal mechanism. General assessment and intervention strategies for fluency and voice disorders will also be introduced.
Case, J.L. (2002). Clinical management of voice disorders. Austin, TX: PRO-Ed.
Guitar, B. (1998). Stuttering: An integrated approach to its nature and treatment. Baltimore: William & Wilkins.
Class 1: Fluency Disorders
Class 2: Introduction to Stuttering (continued)
Class 3: Developmental and Environmental Influences
Class 4: Normal Dysfluency and the Development of Stuttering
Class 5: Treatment Considerations
Class 6: Advanced Stuttering: Integration of Approaches
Class 7: Beginning Stuttering: Stuttering Modifications and Fluency Shaping Theories
Class 8: Voice Disorders
Class 9: Anatomy and Physiology of Phonation
Class 10: Evaluation Procedures in Voice Management
Class 11: Neurogenic Voice Disorders
Observations (10%)
Each student is required to observe four clinically supervised therapy sessions, two in fluency and two in voice, and submit observation reports of those sessions. Observations may be completed at the University Clinic or at approved community facilities.
Abstracts (10%)
Each student is required to submit six abstract summaries, three in fluency and three in voice disorders. Students should select research articles published within the past five years related to assessment and/or treatment of fluency or voice disorders. Students will prepare a 1- to 2-page summary of the article using the abstract form handout.